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martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Funkey Showcase: Vroom!

Today´s Funkey Showcase is all about the Daredevil: Vroom!
Vroom´s Place is found in Laputta Station. Nearby ROM Nexus and Fallout´s Place.
Vroom isnt really based on anything. Its a unique design, however the amount of stars it has represent the place where he lives in, Room De Vroom, and the fact hes a performer of stunts.


The inside of Room De Vroom represents a Garage, filled with stars and bikes, alongside oil spilled around the place.

In Vroom’s game, Super Vroom Ball, you start out on round 1 with 5 balls.

To throw the balls, hold down left click, aim, quickly move the mouse forward,(fast or it’ll be a “Dead Ball”) and let go. Be careful on how powerful you throw it, or it’ll go out of bounds, counting as one of your 5 balls. There are three rounds. On the second round you get 7 balls, and on round 3 You get 10 balls. Tips: Practice makes perfect! Keep trying to get it in that 100 slot, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to throw it in easily! Plus, during those countless games of practicing, you could win a gem shard!

High Scores: A score of 1,220 earned a Stunt Cannon, Access to it from the Game room, a Trophy, and a Classic Pinball Machine.

Zone: Laputta Station

Color of Portal and Gem Shard: Green

Length of play: An estimated 3-7 Min.

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